Inspired by the astonishing work of Karen F. Sanders her charisma and her beautiful craft when it comes to digital and analog photography.
So many factors such as the scenery and mood changes in taking pictures of crowds in their habitats, a mixup of people will attend a specific event or activity, usually sharing at least one common ground subject. Social Landscape Photography aims to capture those delightful moments, there is not a defined purpose to shoot a particular subject or person as the landscape is composed mainly by strangers, but it is a great way to exercise an observant posture.
The first time I heard that term it was a decade ago by a photography professor that really influenced my work throughout the years and today in my professional designer involvement. I had been able to bring this approach to either shooting, editing, colour correcting and art directing in all imagery work.
Whether it was music, film or fine art and technology all of these multitudes were sharing the commonality of interest and they will reflect such in the way they carry themselves, their body language and interactions; Capturing those is such a delight, so much of a story in the images taken from these scenes.
Times have changed now: Social Landscape Nostalgia
We now enter some unknown territory when it comes to social gatherings and we are doing so on a global scale. Chances are you and someone you know are involved in some kind of lockdown or social distancing methods that are required in public spaces.
Truth is we are social creatures, we are so deeply dependant within our environments and the thought of finding these multitudes it is very low, if not none existent at all and that it is a hard pill to swallow. Understanding we are cooperating to eradicate and minimize a pandemic, there is no fault in recognizing and longing for times where we were able to attend events, festivals, museums, open mic sessions in coffee shops and all the social activities that uplift our being are now in digital settings.
This proposes a different kind of social landscape reality altogether and while one of my mottos it is that everything it is temporary and ephemeral. I can tell you from screen-to-screen that we shall embrace this times the best we can do, I read you, I acknowledge you, I sympathize with you and your social longing nostalgia.